BooksGerling, H.S., M.G. Willoughby, A. Schoepf, K.E. Tannas and C.A. Tannas. 1996. A Guide to Using Native Plants on Disturbed Lands. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development and Alberta Environmental Protection. ISBN 0-7732-6125-7.
Czarnecki, E., C. Zacharia. et al. 2012. The Prairie Garden, Featuring Perennials: Gardening with Ornamental Native Grasses and Grass-Like Species of Western Canada. Dr. Steven Tannas. Prairie Garden Committee. Winnipeg, MB. ISBN 978-0-9736849-8-8
Jensen, T., et al. Tannas, S.C. 2015. The Prairie Garden, Featuring Grasses and Succulents: Propagation of Grass. Prairie Garden Committee. Winnipeg, MB.
Jensen, T., et al. Tannas, S.C., K.E. Tannas. 2015. The Prairie Garden, Featuring Grasses and Succulents: Tame Grass Species Suitable for Low Maintenance Lawns and Turf. Prairie Garden Committee. Winnipeg, MB.
Jensen, T., et al. Tannas, S.C., K.E. Tannas. 2015. The Prairie Garden, Featuring Grasses and Succulents: Using Native Grasses as lawn Replacements. Prairie Garden Committee. Winnipeg, MB.
Tannas, K.E. 2001. Common Plants of the Western Rangelands – Volume 1: Grasses and Grass-Like Species. Olds College. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Edmonton Alberta. ISBN 0-7732-6154-0.
Tannas, K.E. 2003 Common Plants of the Western Rangelands – Volume 2: Trees and Shrubs. Olds College. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Edmonton Alberta. ISBN 0-7732-6160-5
Tannas, K.E. 2004 Common Plants of the Western Rangelands – Volume 3: Forbs. Olds College. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Edmonton Alberta. ISBN 0-7732-6162-1
Research Papers
Tannas, S.C. 2011. Thesis: Mechanisms Regulating Poa pratensis L. and Festuca campestris Rybd. Within the Foothills Fescue Grasslands of Southern Alberta. University of Alberta. Click Here
Bork E., Willms, W., Tannas, S.C. Alexander, M. 2012. Seasonal Patterns of Forage Availability in the Fescue Grasslands Under Contrasting Grazing Histories. Rangeland Ecology & Management: January 2012, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 47-55. click here
Tannas, S.C., D.B. Hewins, E.W. Bork. 2015. Isolating the role of soil resource, defoliation, and interspecific competition on early establishment of the late successional bunchgrass Festuca campestris. Journal of Restoration Ecology. April 2015 click here
White, S.R., S.C. Tannas, T. Bao, J.A. Bennett, E.W. Bork, and J.F. Cahill. 2012. Using structural equation modelling to test the passenger, driver and opportunistic concepts of Poa pratensis invasion. May 2012. Oikos pg 1-8. click here
Reports and Documents
Tannas, S.C., M. Webb, M. Neville, D.Sherritt, E. Tannas, C.A. Tannas, K.E. and Tannas. 2016. Plant Material Selection and Seed Mix Design for Native Grassland Restoration Projects. Tannas Conservation Services Ltd. Cremona Alberta. click here