Component 3 - Willow/Sedge

Location: Cremona – Eastern Slopes Rangeland Seeds
Date: June 18, 2024

This component will involve a field tour of two wetlands that represent species compositions found in the boreal, parkland and lower foothills natural subregions. The goal of this day will to make each person feel comfortable in keying out and identifying some of the most difficult groups of vascular plant species in Alberta.

In the morning component the class will get a chance to work with over a dozen species of willows using vegetative and reproductive keys to identify each species. A discussion of the habitat of each species as well as the potential crosses between species will be included.

The second half of the day will be devoted to learning how to key Cyperaceae family. This wetland focused component will develop an in-depth understanding of the terminology and characteristics that make up the Cyperaceae family developing each students understanding of the unique terminology and characteristics within the Cyperaceae. Students will be exposed to between 15 and 20 species in this component including the Carex, Scirpus, and Eleocharis genera. A possible exploration of the Juncaceae family will also be included if time allows.

*For more information click here and registration form click here.