Great Plains Restoration Solutions Inc

We are happy to be partnering with Great Plains Restoration Solutions Inc. to provide products and services for the environmental Industry. Currently Great Plains Restoration Solutions Inc. is providing floating Islands to the western Canadian Market. These robust Islands come pre-planted and take minutes to launch at delivery. in 2018 over 500 square meters of floating Islands were launched to remediate water in settling ponds using native vegetation through this partnership. 


We are also proud to announce that Prairie Habitats wild seed harvesters are now being built by Great Plains Restoration Solutions Inc. Both large pull type harvesters, front end loader harvesters and hand held harvestersnd will be available for purchase world wide.harvesters



Tannas Conservation Services is proud to announce that we are finalists for the 2015 Alberta Science and Technology Awards (ASTECH). We were nominated for our rough fescue restoration project which has been very successful over the past 7 years.

2017 Award of Merit: Benefiting Communities - Returning a Boreal Forest


TCS is proud to be part of the team that has been awarded an Award of Merit for boreal forest restoration on a former land treament facility.


Firm:     Tetra Tech
Client: Newalta Corporation
Location: Drayton Valley, Alberta
Sub Consultants: Aquaterra Environmental Consulting Inc.; Tannas Conservation Services Ltd.; Saskatchewan Research Council; Woodlands North Inc.; Access Laboratories Inc.


Tetra Tech worked with Newalta to design a safe and cost-effective closure approach for a former oilfield waste land treatment facility located south of Drayton Valley, Alberta. Preliminary estimates to remediate the site to the generic Tier 1 criteria using traditional ‘dig and dump’ methods exceeded $100 million. Traditional remediation was deemed to be unrealistic, a poor use of topsoil resources and did not present an overall benefit to society. Alternatively, a risk-based approach was adopted to evaluate potential human and ecological health risks and ultimately identified that a boreal forest conservation area was the most valuable end land use.


Alberta Business Awards of Distinction


Tannas Conservation Services is proud to announce Steven and Eileen Tannas are finalists for the Young Entrepreneur Award given out as part of the Alberta Buisness Awards of Distinction 2016. ABAD 2016 Finalist Logo LOW

2025 Summer Student Position

We have a new summer student position available for our reclamation program working the Alberta Prairies. For a full job description and contact information please Click Here

We also have a potential summer positions at our nursery near Cremona AB to propagate native plants.